FOR MORE INFO: call Darlene at 978-597-0037


To cure Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Saturday, May 29th

Couldn't make training this morning so I figured I'd just do a run on my own. Sure no problem, I mapped out a 10 mile run and included the hills, what the heck, I should be ready for them. We are starting week 13 after all. The 2 mile, big hill stretch has to be up there with the Blue Hills we are going to be doing on race day.

I left at 5pm with tunes in my ears and a water in my hand with Nathan promising to bring me a vitamin water an hour into my run. The computer screen showed just in case he forgot where I was headed.

The long steep incline wasn't that bad but the downhill felt off...a little too much impact. The rest of the hills were a breeze after that one though. Nathan did find me:) Mile 8+ got a little sloppy and felt like I was pushing it.

Definitely pushed it....2 days of the most soreness I've felt so far. Ice? yes, please! I can no longer deny the fact that I have shin splints. Needless to say, I was way too happy to sit on the common on Sunday with my Townsend Fire EMS friends and rest my legs!!!!!!!!! They served BBQ chicken dinners to the parade participants and spectators while I raffled home baked cookies for my fundraiser. I got $110.00 closer to my goal!! The winner will be announced Friday, June 4th!!

1 comment:

  1. Darlene,
    Pleasure meeting you at the Townsend Memorial Day parade. As you are training for your 1/2 marathon, or afterwards, feel free to join the Squannacook River Runners, a local group that usually runs out of Groton Town Hall on Sunday mornings at 7am (early birds) and 8am. The group also hosts the annual Groton Road Race and has lots of other things we are involved in.
    Website is
